Weak from the sun, weak from the trials of many tall mountains, weak from the black hole godless hunger of body and soul, weak from a harsh education, weak from the cultural cancer of MORE, that’s how Nightmare woke in fear in the craggy dank mouth of a cave on the shore of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

She clawed her way to the sunshine. Nightmare had slept and dreamt in the sand the night before and bathed naked in the moonlight in the shadows of joy.  She woke up hungry.  She climbed barefoot to steal figs from the tree clinging to the rock walls, craning to the light to make its fruit grow.

She closed her eyes to rememberforget, and I know you know what that means:

Buy an old cart, it will break down.  Sleep in the cart, find a dead body.  Walk home alone, end up running.  Ask for it, now stop talking.  The house burned all the way down.

She closed her eyes to breathe.

She closed her eyes to climb.

She closed her eyes to dance.

She opened her eyes to Love.

From a 20 year healing journey, Nightmare brings you lessons learned from the ceaseless tides of the moon and sea; blood, heart and mountain tops.  From friendships made, lost and destroyed.  From watching the world crumble and dear ones dying.  From witnessing the terror and delights of many men, from staring into the starless night of the feminine void, blinded by the love of the dance.

Nightmare, at last, is Saint.

Saint Nightmare is Nicky Dyal

Fear coach, climbing coach, writer and sage

Fear is the teacher, I am the guide.

I help people face their fears so they can INHABIT NEW REALMS of pleasure, embodiment and oneness with the power of nature.