Frequently Asked Questions

What is Fear Coaching? what can I expect?

Fear Coaching is an intense, fun and unique process and philosophy developed by me, Saint Nightmare, to help people experience peak states of pleasure, embodiment and oneness with nature. This work takes place in the context of long term, one on one relationships built on trust and care, as well as in classes and workshops I host.

You can expect to be able go for a walk in the woods alone carrying profound and honest awareness of the possibility of both danger and serenity.

You can expect to be able to swim in cold water exploding with loud shrieks and glee.

You can expect to sleep better knowing you have left no stone in your storehouse of desire unturned.

You can expect to hear others exclaim on your fresh new radiance.

You can expect to inhabit your being and mission more completely than ever before.

In what timeframe can I expect to see results?

I honor that nature brings change and growth through cycles and timelines far beyond our limited human awareness.

I also honor that facing fear creates an urgent and demanding imperative.  So while our work together may be non-linear, you can expect breakthroughs and results at a digestible and inspiring pace, usually after a few months of committing to receiving support and engaging in practice.

How do I know if Fear Coaching is right for me?

Fear Coaching is right for you if you have been lying in wait a very long time, postponing a dream or squashing down hopes.

Fear Coaching is right for you if you have committed to spending your resources, time and energy for your own expansion and the betterment of our culture and planet. 

Fear Coaching is right for you if you have been craving deep witnessing, support, knowledge and skills about how to navigate a scary world that you have been unable to find elsewhere.

Fear Coaching is not for you if you are actively inhabiting states of phobia, paranoia, addiction, extreme anxiety, eating disorders or contemplating suicide. The body comes first.

How did you become a fear coach?

I begged my dad to take me rock climbing with him until, at age 10, he finally said I was old enough to tie a rope around my waist and follow him up the wall. I was so excited, and so, so scared. Even though my dreams were coming true as we scaled the tallest cliffs in my little hometown, I also dreaded it. Why was I so scared of doing my favorite thing? Why was my dad making us do such scary hard stuff, when I could be home on the couch reading a book!? But as I grew up, I kept climbing, getting my photos in magazines and a little bit famous working with climbing companies to keep my dreams alive. Even when climbing demanded so much of my time, emotional and physical resources, I couldn’t escape its powerful pull. After many years spent feral, exhausted and broke cliffside, I developed a deep sense of spirituality in relationship to my fear, body and nature. My work as a Fear Coach crystalized when I realized what I had learned from fear and climbing reflected near universal human experiences embedded in wisdom traditions from around the world and across time, bound to an intimate and sacred relationship with the Earth.  All humans, it turns out, have had to learn to live with fear.

Do I have to be a climber to work with you? What if I am not an elite athlete?

I work with all people who are curious about their relationship with their bodies and nature. You don’t have to be a climber, you don’t even have to like being outdoors. The only requirement is that you are committed to living a less tame and more ecstatic, authentic life than you do now.

Will you take me climbing?

We can share indoor climbing adventures at Mesa Rim Reno an hour or two at a time.  Schedule a lesson here.

I am not a certified guide. I do offer outdoor experiences to cultivate mindset, somatic experiencing and deep relating with nature. This is a curated experience designed to revolutionize your relationship with fear, resulting in states of bottomless pleasure and safety in the arms of nature’s embrace.

Do you work with athletes besides climbers?

Yes! If your performance or enjoyment in any sport or physical practice is being held back by fear, negativity or burnout, I can definitely help you. We will build a healthy, safe relationship with your practice and how to get the most out of your time spent doing it.

How is Fear Coaching different from sports psychology or therapy?

I believe in submitting to the truth of your body in this moment; I do not believe in “optimization.”

While we all exist in a culture that encourages winning and competition to attain value, my emphasis is on creating satisfying, nourishing memories and living a life you can feel proud of.

Because part of my mission is to deepen our collective capacity to experience complexity and nuance, unlike a therapist, I share my own story and struggle with clients. Even if you and I live in distant corners of the Earth, we are members of the same diverse and beautifully flawed community of plant, animal, mineral and human beings. We say hello to each other when we run into each other out in the wild.

What tools and philosophies do you use to work with fear?

  • reflective inquiry

  • narrative coaching

  • mindfulness and meditation

  • breathwork

  • movement, exercise, dance and climbing

  • somatic experiencing

  • affirmations and mantras

  • journaling

  • experiences in nature

  • crafted intuition

  • ecofeminism

  • animism

  • ecosexuality and gender studies

  • tantra

  • yoga

  • vipassana

What if I am hesitant to commit?

Well, as a Fear Coach, I can definitely understand you might be having some fears right now :)

Like all fearsome endeavors, signing up for something new will feel uncomfortable, and there’s just no way around that.  You know exactly what it’s like to exist the way you do now. What would it be like to swim to another shore?

How do I get started?

Schedule a call with me (it’s free!) and together we’ll talk through the fears you’re currently working with and come up with a plan for your liberation! I work with people over zoom and in person in the Reno/Tahoe area. Curated travel can also be arranged for special circumstances.