No matter where you’re at in your journey as a climber, most climbers are making two mistakes:

#1 Wasting time struggling to get bigger muscles.

#2 Telling yourself to BE LESS SCARED.

You can train for weeks at a time, you can tell yourself to stop overgripping, and you can force yourself to take a million planned falls. Those of you who have tried know for sure: these don’t work in the long run.


No one likes to hear it, but trust me, I’m a Saint:

Your stuck emotions are getting in the way of beautiful, natural movement.

I’m not suggesting you cry at the crag (it’s okay if you do), or let go of your badass personality…

What I’m talking about is something you probably already know deep down inside: there are a few big truths you’re afraid to admit to yourself about your relationship with climbing.

It could be a specific fear, it could be a lifelong habit of sucking it up and moving on. But whatever it is, the effort it takes to repress your emotions is eating up mental space and energy that would otherwise be fueling your climbing.

So what does it take to get out of your own way, unstick your emotions, and climb as the wild, intuitive animal you are?

It takes some careful excavation, a whole lot of compassion and a bit of practice.

Expert support makes the process faster and smoother, and that’s why I’m here.


Read more about my approach to climbing in The Library.

I AM SAINT NIGHTMARE, devoted guide on your climbing journey. I’ve been climbing for over 30 years and truly understand your quest to climb and live passionately, because that’s how I’ve committed to living my life. I know without a doubt how much better you will feel the moment you begin cultivating a relationship with your body and Nature you can truly rely on. I look forward to meeting you.

Schedule a call today.